At its core, Christianity is a relationship with God, who is the initiator of our faith reaching out to us in love offering forgiveness of sins, abundant life now, and eternal life in the future made possible through faith in Jesus Christ. This relationship is not based on what we must do, but rather is dependent upon what Jesus Christ has done. We believe in one God existing in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We call this the Trinity. We believe that Jesus Christ is the savior and hope of the world and that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and the only path to God is through faith in Jesus. We believe that Jesus was an actual person; conceived of the Virgin Mary, born as a baby, lived a sinless life as both fully God and fully man, willingly died on the cross for our sins, was buried in a borrowed tomb, was resurrected from the dead on the third day, appeared to as many as 500 disciples, and ascended into heaven returning to the Father. We believe Jesus will come again. We believe the Bible is the infallible Living Word of God containing all that is necessary for salvation and instruction on how we should live our lives. We believe that Jesus established his Church and commanded believers to live in community seeking to grow in their knowledge and love of God, as well as invite others into this community we continue to call the Church. We invite you to come to Trinity Church to become a part of our local community… you belong here!